Whoo Hoooo what an amazing day with simply stunning weather to explore on our Dandenong Ranges Doggy Winery Tour with these gorgeous pooches.
Welcome back Penny, Lily, Tigga and Cocoa, you are all certainly very seasoned Doggy Winery Tour travellers now.
For first timers Flynn, Morgan, Lala, Lieja, Frodo and a very mature Buddy at the grand age of 15, it was a time to sit back and put your paws up and enjoy being chauffeured around.
Bella was fully loaded with wood fired bread and wine from Whispering Hills vineyard after our first tasting for the day. It was now time for all paws to pound the paths for the walk to Alfred Nicholas Gardens. With some of the pooches feeling it was important to test the water at the lake after their long stroll. Oppsie.
A relaxing lunch for the hoomans at Burnham Beeches and nap time for the pooches in the shade of decades old trees surrounding this wonderful estate.
We were treated to the comforts of the air-conditioned cellar door at Elmswood Estate which was such a civilised way to enjoy the tastings. Check out the hilarious photo of Cocoa and her mum on the couch at Elmswood Estate – looks like Cocoa is wearing a hat!.
Congratulations Lieja on winning the Woof book from Ella and Friends -very cute photo.