What a wonderful day thanks Weather Dogs for playing nicely and even showing us some blue sky – you did us proud and we promise there are special bones coming you way . Welcome Back Sybell (#57), Mellow (#47), Chrysla (#47), Ronnie (#20), Lizzie (#4), Coconut (#4), Gavan (#2) and Buddy (#2). It was so wonderful to see Buddy and Gavan after 4 years of hiding from us and boy are these boys chilled. Coconut and Lizzie seemed to really enjoy their walk along the Geelong foreshore – check out the grins on these two monkeys, maybe it was their Mumma’s special gumboots. Mr Ronald and Ms Sybell had their “I am a bit tired” look to start the day but no sooner did we get going than they piped up and joined in. Thank you Mellow and Chrysla for leading the way on the walk – you guys rocked and your help was so much appreciated. A special shout out to “Safety Sam”(AKA Phil) for assisting Bella to move – you had to see the pic. No down loading and putting a “D”on the hat!! It was such a relaxing lunch with great chats with new and renewed friends, what a wonderful place Scotchman Hill is and to have our own dining area complete with fire pit. We couldn’t help but sympathise with Gavan finding the most comfy spot a the Gin Distillery to relax. It was a challenge to get everyone to leave the music and yet another fire pit. Such a wonderful day Peeps and Paws – we hope to see you all again soon.