A day at the beach or rather beaches was just what the sniffers ordered. With typical Melbourne/Surf Coast weather testing us. It was wonderful to have so many accommodating pooches to allow us to alter things around a bit. Welcome Back Chrylsa (#58), Gemimah (#26). Ronnie (#23), Kennedy (#21), Eddie (#14), Whispa (#8), Baxter (#6) and Parker (#2). Yes it was a day of all returning Peeps and Paws. Baxter was certainly excited at Port Melbourne to be coming on Bella The Dog Bus. Kennedy just knew he had another water lover with Parker joining him. Got to love the Goldies and their obsession with water. A special mention to Mr Ronald who despite his Mumma thinking he was getting older – he ran and ran and sniffed and sniffed all day – tonight I sleep but today I sniff. What a glorious walk at the impromptu stop at Barwon Heads along the trail overlooking the water. Doggos were soo happy to be stretching their paws on the sand. Even if Chrysla gave us a scare by thinking he could jump from the path to the beach with an almighty 3 metre dropped. “I wanted to get back down with my brother Whispa, what is all the fuss?” Gemimah was her usual chilled self and despite failing eyesight, there was nothing wrong with her sniffer and for that matter her little swimming legs when the big wave came in suddenly. Now Mr Ed – we think you gained a bit of beach confidence today but we have to work on you getting your togs on and joining the others in the water. “Noooooo, it reminds me of bath time”. Mumma was not on her A game almost leaving Mr D behind – oppsie – poor pupper was very sore from getting up and down the stairs all day – he was not going to miss out on the fun – he sleeps now! You have to check out the photo of Whispa and those flying ears – oh soooooo cute. It would not be a flexible itinerary kind of day without mentioning the stop at the Service Station for Parker to pee. And pee he did – no one actually timed it but heck it could have been 5 min of wizzing. Well done Dad on picking up his need to wee. There are no photos – cos a boy needs to pee in peace even if we clapped. Bella would have been under water if that stop didn’t happen. We hope you all enjoyed the day exploring Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove. Especially the ice-cream stop which smoothed things over for Mr D. Congrat Eddie on winning the Tesalate Towel – that one is going straight the pool room. Until we see you again Welcome Back Uncle Ben – we love the new style!!!!! Paws Out from GP Team.